A Sacred Journey is growing to meet our members, student and busy societal needs.
A Sacred Journey Educational Facility
As resourced from our Klusster online magazine, here is what it means for our students, certified doulas and private members in
this space our members have access to: Access to a Secure and Private Online Website Forum.
- Training Spaces
- Academic Resources
- Professional Development Lists and Resources
- Videos
- PDF’s
- PowerPoints
- Sense of Community in a Safe Environment
- Private Communication Space
- Live and Face to Face Communication Ability
- Groups to Join Based on Interests
- Private Members Only Groups
- Self-Care
- Members Class or Advertisement of Services Space
- ASJ Created Curriculum Memes or Papers
- ASJ Private Class Space
- ASJ Clients Space
This is a real time area where we can continue mentoring our students, share our journeys and celebrate our successes. ASJ is conscious about our students being able to
access supports, a longitude of learning opportunities and a secure base.
truly wish for our members to know we are here for the long journey, not just
for the moment they are paying for our services. While this space is not mandatory,
it does allow our members to communicate worldwide, which we feel is truly exciting.
We are thrilled about what this
space will mean to our members. We love our In Person Training, Red Tents and
Doulas Supporting Doulas Circles, however, we have been listening to our
members on how hard it is to find the time for self-care.
Thanks for sharing in our excitement in our forum.
Lesley Cressman